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Baby! Oops! Hi there see that female human lifeform in the picture? That's Amber and I'm woody. Video: V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC, 720x576 (16:9), 25.000 fps, ~ avg, bit/pixelĬast: Amber Lynn, Crystal Breeze, Sheer Delight, Mindy Rae, Pamela Jennings, Renee Tiffany, Shaun Michelle, Duzit, Billy Dee, Buck Adams, Hershel Savage, Jay Serling, Ron Jeremy, Sasha Gaborĭescription: Ahh.yes! Recharge my energy storage units. Recommended for couples - it actually does have a plot. The only thing that is obvious is that Marie Forsa (Molly) does not play in the one explicit sex scene she is supposed to have. Fine explicit and natural sex, no artificial climactic shots. A plot that ends up in some confusion - Molly gets Peter's brother, who cannot get it on with her on the wedding night, and Peter takes over his place in the bed. Molly is awakening sexually and very hot on the oldest son of the house, charming and horny Peter.

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Cast: Anita Ericsson as Anita Andersson, Anne Magle Catherine Drusy Christine Gyhagen as Christine Hagen, Christine Maurelle, Eva Axn, Florence Baltz, Louise Frevert, Marie Fors, Muriel Vidal, Nina Gunke, Pia Rydbergĭescription: Molly comes to the Riviera to visit friends who run a very social and liberal summer house with some interesting house guests.

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